07 Nov 2023
Generali Real Estate and MDC2 support the preservation of a forest in Gruszowiec located in Małopolska, Poland for the MDC2 Park Kraków South project

The financed forest covers an area of 5.51 ha. It is located approximately 50 km south of Skawina near Krakow, where Generali Real Estate and MDC2 are developing a modern, environmentally sustainable warehouse park, MDC2 Park Kraków South. The purchased forest is a fully developed natural mixed forest, evolving in an organic environment created without human intervention. Deciduous and coniferous trees grow in this area. This is the first fully developed forest that is financed with MDC2 and one of the largest investments made by a single business partner in the Foundation. The aim of the project is to protect the forest from logging and preserve it in its natural state for future generations.
The Las Na Zawsze Foundation works to create areas intended to restore and maintain the natural forest ecosystems called “Forests Forever”, i.e. without using plant protection products and without using them for economic purposes. These activities are based on the Assisted Natural Regeneration of Forests. In accordance with the Foundation’s statute, “the forest plot that will be transferred to the Foundation and also the plot that will be purchased by the Foundation, will not be further sold or encumbered. Also, the forested areas will not be subject to felling or clearing, unless such an obligation results from applicable legal provisions”.
“Companies increasingly understand their wider responsibility including the future of our planet. We are glad that the MDC2 strategy includes activities aimed at promoting conservation of nature. One of them is taking care of natural, biodiverse, matured forests. Our life does not exist without nature. Thanks to such initiatives, together we can leave richness of nature to future generations” says Lidia Jabłonowska-Luba, CEO, Las Na Zawsze Foundation.
Forests have existed on our planet for 380 million years*. Each of them lives and transforms in naturally repeating cycles. The area purchased in Gruszowiec is a thriving forest in which several generations of trees have already grown. It is a biodiverse forest dominated by beeches, firs, spruces, aspens, birches, pines and oaks.
“The implementation of practices related to environmental protection is paramount in the development and the operation of the MDC2 Park Kraków South logistics facility. We are proud to take a significant step forward in protecting biodiversity and preserve natural forests for generations to come.” says Pierre-David Baylac, Head of Logistics, Generali Real Estate.
“The vast majority of forests in Poland are commercial forests used for wood production. Together with our partners, we are involved in such an important issue for the planet today: preserving as many natural forests as possible. We care about engage deeply in a nature protection by introducing to the Polish legal system so-called Areas of Socially Protected Nature” adds Lidia Jabłonowska-Luba.
Native deciduous forests in our country have been cut down for agricultural purposes or industry development, and most of forest areas have been transformed into pine, birch or spruce monocultures. National parks and nature reserve in which human interference is excluded constitute only 2% of the forests. No new national park has been established in Poland for over 20 years*.
“We are building for the sustainable future of our tenants, investors, communities, the environment, and our industry. In line with this motto, we engage in activities related to natural conservation. There are few places dedicated to nature. We were looking for the largest possible forest areas of this type in the region and managed to locate such a forest in Gruszowiec. A large natural forest is a big challenge. We approach it with great enthusiasm, because the larger the area, the greater the chance of leaving nature with what is most valuable – the preservation of developed ecosystems full of diverse life. With our help, this ecosystem will survive for many more years,” says Jeremy Cordery, COO, Founder, MDC2 .
The climate on Earth is changing. Forests participate in many processes that keep our planet’s climate in balance. The groundwater level in Poland is systematically decreasing, which will result in long dry periods in some regions of the country. Extreme weather phenomena are increasing. Natural forests, with intact canopy and their own microclimate, delay these changes. That’s why preserving old trees and protecting dead wood are so important to all of us.
*Source: Las Na Zawsze Foundation